Anticipate. Adapt. Arrive on time.

airports analysed
average prediction time
world leading model
About Pleiades Aerospace

Empowering airlines to predict, not just react

Our predictive analytics help airlines reduce delays, optimize schedules, and improve on-time performance using data from millions of flights.

Personalized predictions for reliable operations

Customized for your airline

ML-powered predictions tailored to your specific routes, aircraft types, and operational patterns to maximize efficiency.

Real-time monitoring

Continuous analysis of weather patterns, airport conditions, and air traffic to provide instant alerts and recommendations.

Performance analytics

Tracking on-time performance, delay reduction, and operational improvements over time.

Model that adapts

Our algorithms continuously improve by analyzing millions of flights and outcomes to enhance prediction accuracy.

Access anywhere

Cloud-based platform accessible, allowing decision-makers to stay informed no matter the location.

Operational insights

Detailed analytics on delay causes, bottlenecks, and improvement opportunities to optimize your airline's performance.

Strategic planning

Tools to set operational targets, simulate schedule changes, and measure the financial impact of improved on-time performance.

Seamless integrations

We partner with you to build custom integrations with your existing systems and workflows for rapid implementation.

Our mission

Pioneering the digital backbone for humanity's next giant leap — making interplanetary travel reliable, accessible, and routine

Our story

Built by engineers, preparing for the future

Pleiades Aerospace was founded through a shared passion for engineering and space exploration. We established our company to digitise and innovate within the aviation industry, preparing it for an era of regular interplanetary travel.

Our flagship technology is a predictive analytics platform that significantly improves airline On-Time Performance (OTP) and accurately forecasts flight delays. By solving today's aviation challenges, we're building the foundation for humanity's future in space.

Combining expertise in aerospace engineering and data science, Pleiades Aerospace is transforming how we manage flight operations on Earth to eventually enable seamless travel beyond our planet.